Why Chaining is Cruel
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- What problems does it cause to chain a dog 24/7?
Chaining is inhumane and unsafe for dogs
Dogs are social beings who thrive on interaction with people and animals. A dog
kept chained for months or years suffers psychological damage. A continuously
chained dog usually becomes anxious and aggressive.
Their necks can become infected from too-tight collars. Chains get tangled,
strangling the dogs. They can’t escape storms or attacking animals.
is a safety hazard for people
Dogs feel protective of their territory. When confronted with a perceived
threat, their fight-or-flight instinct kicks in. A chained dog, unable to flee,
often feels forced to fight and will attack children
or others who cross the dog's territory.
Dogs shouldn’t be allowed to run loose! Dogs should be socialized and kept in
the home or a fence.

- Are tethered dogs otherwise treated well?
Rarely. They suffer from sporadic feedings, overturned water bowls, inadequate
vet care, lack of exercise, and extreme temperatures. They must eat, sleep, and
eliminate in one small area. Grass is beaten into hard-packed dirt. Chained dogs
and are easily ignored by their owners.
- Who says chaining is inhumane?
- U.S. Department of Agriculture:
"Our experience in enforcing the Animal Welfare Act has led us to
conclude that continuous confinement of dogs by a tether is
inhumane. A tether significantly restricts a dog's movement. A
tether can also become tangled around or hooked on the dog's shelter
structure or other objects, further restricting the dog's movement
and potentially causing injury."
- In 1997, the USDA
ruled that people and
organizations regulated by the Animal Welfare Act cannot keep dogs
- The American Veterinary Medical
Association stated "Never tether
or chain your dog because this can contribute to aggressive behavior."
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concluded in a
study that the dogs most likely to attack are male, unneutered, and chained.
- According to the Association of Shelter
Veterinarian’s Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters,
"Tethering is an unacceptable method of confinement for any animal and
has no place in humane sheltering. Constant tethering of
dogs in lieu of a primary enclosure is not a humane practice."
- Don’t chained dogs make good guard dogs?

No. Chained dogs can’t stop intruders. All they can do is bark. Since most
chained dogs are unsocialized, they are unable to distinguish a real threat from
a friend. The best guard dogs live inside the home and are part of the family,
which is how K9 police dogs are raised.
- Why should we pass a law to ban dog chaining?
Animal control advocates receive hundreds calls from citizens concerned about
chained animals. Because chaining is legal, there is little officers can do to
help. By the time it becomes a clear case of animal cruelty, it is often too
late to save the dog. Prohibiting chaining makes a community safer by reducing
the number of dog attacks and dog bites. A chaining law also gives officers a
tool to crack down on illegal dog fighting, since most fighting dogs are kept
- Are there laws regulating dog chaining?
Yes, 22 states and several hundred U.S. communities have
laws banning or regulating chaining.
- Would a chaining law cost lots of money?
No. Animal control officers are already spending resources responding to reports
of chained and neglected dogs. A ban would allow animal control officers to fine
individuals in violation of the law. This would be a source of additional
- Who would be impacted by a law to ban dog
A law would not apply to situations where a dog is temporarily tied up, such as
outside a store. People who keep their dogs continually chained would be
affected by chaining bans.
- What about people who can’t afford a fence?
You don't have to have a fence to have a dog! Apartment-dwellers don’t have
private yards; their dogs are happy living inside the home with the family and
going on walks. There are many resources available to help people train their
dogs to be well-behaved members of the family.
- What about attaching a dog's leash to a "pulley run"?
Trolleys have the same problems with fixed point chaining. More rope means more
ability to get tangled and strangled, and can they can still attack anyone who
come into the area.
