Activists Aren't Afraid to Speak Up for Chained Dogs!
Meet Tammy Grimes, founder of For the past two years, Tammy has chained
herself to a doghouse for 33 hours to protest the inhumane treatment of dogs
in her community and around the country. Tammy is a tireless advocate for
chained and penned dogs. Visit her site, download great materials, and buy
stuff from her store
to help her efforts!

Dan Paden is a staff member of
PETA. Dan works every day on behalf of
chained dogs: writing letters encouraging communities to enact new laws,
publishing editorials, talking to
reporters interested in the issue, and working with activists across the
country. For July 4, 2005, Dan chained himself at the historic site where
Patrick Henry made his famous "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death" speech.
The chain around his neck was removed from a rescued dog's neck. appreciates Dan and Tammy for the work they do for dogs.
Rather than sitting around watching t.v. like most of the world, they are
making a stand for what they believe in!
Find out how you can help, too!